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The CompTIA A+ course is a technical computer hardware and software course that certifies the skills and competency of entry-level PC computer service professionals who can install, maintain, customize, and operate personal computers. The certification is sponsored by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). The course helps in validating one’s understanding of the most common hardware and software technologies used in business and also certify the skills that are necessary to support complex IT infrastructures. CompTIA A plus training is a powerful credential that helps IT, professionals, worldwide ignite their IT career.

Let us understand how to go about qualifying the CompTIA A+ certification while learning the most out of the certification.

  • Assemble a desktop computer

The CompTIA A+ certification is designed to test the learner’s knowledge of hardware. One of the best ways to understand computer hardware is to go about assembling a computer desktop. Building a computer from scratch teaches one about the hardware components and gives you experience in setting up an OS, running through a BIOS, hardware differences, selecting a case, motherboard type, et cetera.

  • Set up a test lab

The best hands-on experience to qualify the CompTIA examination comes from hands-on-lab experience. Fixing a loose computer and running through the OS can help you better prepare for the operating system and get a feel for it. On the other hand, a test lab is also very easy to set-up and requires small funds. Typically, a lab would include a monitor, a (desktop) computer, networking components (routers and switches) and a current OS that’s a part of the exam curriculum.

  • Invest in study guide(s)

What can best help is investing a few dollars in the study guide for the examination. Investing in the exam guide can help you gain better insights of your work and research the topic extensively. Even better, if you plan to take a certification training from a certified learning school, that is updated on CompTIA A+ curriculum.

  • Practice Tests

Another way is attempting for practice tests. This helps evaluate one’s level of understanding and also boosts confidence. A practice test is a replica of the real examination and prepares you to attempt questions under a fix time slot. It keeps the learner confident on the day of the examination.

  • Know the certification exam objectives

It is also important that you keep an eye on the exam objectives. Staying on the right track is really important and gives a glimpse into what can be found on the test. The tests are updated roughly once in three years, and drops whatever is redundant. Other than this, the latest technological aspects are also added to the curriculum.


These pointers can help you gain a better understanding of CompTIA A plus training and preparing for the examination, but understanding it in detail might require learning the subject in detail.

Your Roadmap to CompTIA A+ Certification

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